This masterclass is coming soon and the date will be confirmed in due course 

Some phenomenal tools and techniques...

To help you to find clarity, confidence and credibility, ensure wellbeing and transform your life/career outcomes.

This Masterclass is aimed at Senior Professional Women who want to 'Step into their Power' and learn some confidence and self-care strategies to get the career, recognition, promotion or pay rise they deserve whilst maintaining their health and wellbeing and avoid burnout.

So many women stay small to avoid failure but desperately want to show the world how amazing they are!

Perhaps they are working for a toxic boss or in a toxic culture and need to escape in order to flourish and grow. They want to be visible, be heard and make a difference in the world.

I help them to discover their purpose, passion and confidence to have the confidence and courage to transform their lives and career, 'Step into their Power' and reignite their fire.



Get a personlised 1:1 Clarity Career Confidence call to help you achieve this for FREE.


Allow yourself to truly shine and step into your POWER as a professional woman.  Being powerful is exhilarating and empowering, but often a difficult path to tread.

If you want to FEEL STRONG, CONFIDENT AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE this Masterclass is for you.

What we will cover is:

✅  Set your intentions for 2024 and beyond

✅  Explore your Power - your core values & key strengths 

✅  Identify your Power - what's holding you back? - limiting beliefs, inner critic 

✅  Grow your Power - awareness, mindset & wellbeing

✅  Step into your Power - set action plans for transformational change

Step into your Power

AFC does not make any guarantees regarding your ability to get results or earn more money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies.

The programme is intended to provide you with the tools and techniques to be able to have a greater understanding of yourself and to get clarity, credibility, confidence and wellbeing to achieve success in your career/life.

Participating in this programme you assume responsibility for your own behaviour, actions and outcomes in life as a result of putting anything you have learnt into action, regardless of your interpretation of the advice or content read.

You further agree that the coach and any company owned by her, cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your outcomes and/or career as a result of the information obtained in this programme.